IAAPA Complete Unabridged Rules - Part 17 IAAPA Standards of Conduct

Last Updated July 25, 1999

Questions and comments should be directed to our Minister of Law John (law@axisandallies.net).

International Axis and Allies Player's Association Standards of Conduct


The International Axis and Allies Player's Association is an organization composed of people with different backgrounds and temperaments. The IAAPA is dedicated to providing an interesting, stimulating and enjoyable community for all members. Acceptable member conduct as it applies to Association activities is of major concern. The following Standards of Conduct detail IAAPA policy concerning member conduct.

A) Offensive Communication

The use of language which is vulgar, abusive or hateful displays poor gamesmanship and is not permitted. Please use your best judgement and be respectful of other members. Use of vulgar or abusive language in communications with other members, even if masked by symbols or other characters, is a violation of the Standards of Conduct.

B) Harassment

Targeting a member in an effort to cause distress, embarrassment, unwanted attention or other discomfort is harassment. This Association does not permit any form of harassment and may suspend or terminate the membership of any player who harasses others. You may have a disagreement with another member's point of view, but personal attacks are not permitted. Also prohibited are attacks based on a person's race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender or any other basis for discrimination.

C) IAAPA Disruption

Members are not permitted to interfere, through action or correspondence, with the regular execution of Association Government duties or the normal flow of ongoing games and activities. Disruption may occur by continued refusal to obey Association rulings or by any actions reasonably considered antagonistic, abusive, belligerent or capable of generating hostility. Repetitive antagonistic postings on the BBS which denegrate the IAAPA or government officials may also constitute disruption, especially if the matter has been addressed in government communication.

Members who are involved in GM'ed games incur a debt to the Association. For every game that a player uses another member as a GM in, he must act as a GM in a game for another member of the Association. Failure to meet GM requirements is a violation of the Association's Standards of Conduct and can result in disciplinary action. Shirking your duty as GM will result in your being placed on inactive duty status, meaning forfeiture of all games in progress. This inactive status will remain for 60 days, or until the member requests reinstatement and satisfactorily completes GMing for a contest. Our motto here at the IAAPA is if you have time to play, you have time to GM.

D) Multiple Accounts

Association members may participate in Association games under only one email address and alias at a time.
If members wish to change their email address, all they need to do is go to Member Services and update their Member Profile with the old address moved to the old email field, and the new address in the current email field.

E) Cheating

Any member that is judged through the proceedings of the Association Government to have played or GM'd dishonestly, or attempted to cheat in any way, is in severe violation of the Standards of Conduct and subject to immediate disciplinary action.

F) Mass Mailings

With the exception of the IAAPA Government performing their duties, sending communications to the entire Association roster without prior authorization from the government is not permitted. Unauthorized mass mailings are considered not only a nuisance by most but violate net etiquette. Members are also not permitted to distribute the IAAPA roster to any outside company, agency individual, corporate entity or computer without express permission of the Association Government.

G) Advertising and Solicitation

Unless you've obtained express permission from the Association government, you may not send unsolicited advertising, promotional material or other forms of solicitation to another member except in areas authorized and designated for such a purpose (e.g. message boards).

H) Account Phreaking

It is absolutely prohibited to solicit or attempt to obtain a member's e-mail account password or financial information. Remember, IAAPA officials will never ask you for your password or account information. If someone asks you for it, refuse and report the incident to the Association government and (for AOL members) Member Services immediately.

I) Intellectual property laws

Intellectual property laws apply with equal force to content found on the internet website and on the AOL Axis and Allies area. Taking online discussions, Association postings or e-mail of others, even when you've participated in the discussion, and posting them elsewhere is a violation of intellectual property laws. You may be liable to the holder of the rights for copyright or trademark infringement. Basically, you may not transmit over the Internet or AOL material that is subject to any person or entity's rights, including copyright, without the express permission of the rights holder. If no specific restrictions apply directly or indirectly to a particular item you may make a reasonable number of copies provided that the copies are only for your personal use and that any and all proprietary-rights notices are reproduced unchanged. Notice -- by submitting content to any "public area" of the IAAPA you grant the Association the royalty free right to distribute the material for Association purposes (i.e. government discussions, GM postings, Association Newsletters, etc.).

J) Inappropriate Postings

Posting or distributing patently inappropriate material in any Association area (e.g., sending mass e-mail solicitations, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or disruptive materials) may result in disciplinary action. The purpose of membership in the IAAPA is to play IAAPA sanctioned games - features such as the BBS, logs, etc. are secondary and as such if a member appears to not be interested in playing games, and is instead using IAAPA resources as a soapbox, their postings may be found to be inappropriate.

K) Online Conduct

Any conduct in AOL's Wargamer's HQ chat room that in AOL Inc.'s discretion restricts or inhibits any other Member from using or enjoying AOL is not be permitted and may result in disciplinary action. The America Online Terms of Service can be found at AOL Keyword: TOS.

Any conduct in the website's WarZone which in the the opinion of the Minister of Internet Operations is questionable or abusive will be forwarded to the Minister of Conduct for disciplinary action within the Club. All communications in the Warzone are logged for the purposes of ensuring a positive experience for all.

L) Use of IAAPA Website Resources

The IAAPA Dice Server and IAAPA Warzone are for the use of IAAPA members exclusively playing IAAPA sanctionned games and not for the use of non-IAAPA members or non-IAAPA gaming. Any member found to be using IAAPA server resources for any inappropriate purpose (including games for another Association, rolls not for a game, or any other action deemed improper by the Association's Minister of Conduct) is in violation of the Standards of Conduct.

M) Derogatory Comments about other Axis and Allies Clubs

Many IAAPA members feel strongly about the positive environment which the IAAPA provides for all, a friendly online and face to face gaming environment which encourages excellence and the highest levels of sportmanship. It is easy to incorrectly and unfairly say that all other associations do not maintain the standards of IAAPA. Members are free to express their opinion in personal correspondence and on the BBS, however, unsubstantiated attacks and criticisms which are completely unjustifiable are not encouraged and repeated incidences of such communication will constitute a violation of the Standards of Conduct.

N) Disciplinary Actions

On occasion it may be necessary to deliver disciplinary actions against Association members to enforce these Standards of Conduct. The Minister of Law and Conduct under review of the IAAPA Supreme Court may administer the following disciplinary actions.

  1. Written Warning

    A Written Warning is a private correspondence between the Minister of Conduct and a member who has violated the Standards of Conduct. The correspondence will detail the member's violation of the Standards of Conduct and if necessary, specify corrective actions required by the government. The purpose of a written warning is to correct a deficiency in behavior without causing undue embarrassment or perception of persecution. The Association President receives a copy of this correspondence.

  2. Suspension

    Suspension is a disciplinary action designed to correct severe and/or continued violations of the Standards of Conduct, often after a Written Warning has been issued and was not effective. Suspensions vary between a minimum of one month, and a maximum of three months. Suspensions are sent to the Association Government and members affected by the suspension. While suspended a member:

    Once reinstated, any games forfeited by the member due to the suspension will not be included in their ranking.

  3. Membership Termination

    Membership Termination is a measure reserved for particularly egregious and/or repeated violations of the IAAPA Standards of Conduct, often after a suspension has proven ineffective. Membership Termination is identical to Suspension with the exception that re-admittance requests will not be accepted.

  4. Lapsing membership

    Any member who is not currently playing a game and has not submitted a game finish in the last month will be flagged as inactive. A member may not remain a member of the IAAPA and have access to the web site and the dice server unless he is active and playing games. If a member is going away for a period of time (say a 6 month period of service in the military), he will be made inactive and will be reactivated when he starts playing games again.

The Standards of Conduct were last revised September 11, 2000.

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