IAAPA Complete Unabridged Rules - Part 18 Magic 84 / Surrendering

Last Updated July 25, 1999

Questions and comments should be directed to our Minister of Law John (law@axisandallies.net).

Surrendering a hopeless position is encouraged. While comebacks from the dead are not unheard of, these games take a long time and playing an 'all winning' game is not fun for anyone. So, use your own discretion in choosing the moment.

Surrendering has no affect in the Association beyond your rankings. Again, if there is a doubt that the currently 'losing' player may come back then the game should go on. MAGIC 84 refers to the fact that the AXIS can win when their countries are still producing 84 Production Units after any USA turn. MAGIC 84 counts (or complete IPC Charts) are to be included in turn updates.

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