IAAPA Complete Unabridged Rules - Part 4 Bidding

Last Updated July 25, 1999

Questions and comments should be directed to our Minister of Law John (law@axisandallies.net).

Who plays the Axis and who plays the Allies is determined by 'bid'. Each player sends a secret bid when sending or accepting their challenge in IAAPA Member Services. The lower bid plays the Axis powers with the benefits of the winning bid placed on the board before the first USSR turn.

Bids are compared by IPC value and may consist of extra units (land, sea or air) and/or additional IPCs for the Axis powers. Land units may be placed in any territory controlled by the appropriate Axis power. Naval units may be placed in any sea zone adjacent to a land territory controlled by the appropriate Axis power provided no Allied units occupy that sea zone.

Negative value bids are allowed (removing Axis units and/or IPCs) but may not be combined with positive value bids. Mixed nationality bids are also allowed (material and/or IPCs for both Germany and Japan) but German units may not be placed in Japanese territories or sea zones nor may Japanese units be placed in German territories or sea zones due to a bid. Industrial Complexes obtained by bid are not 'original' ICs and their production is limited to the income value of the territory in which they are placed. If the GM receives bids of equal value, the winning bid will be determined by random die roll.

Both players submit their bids to the server in the Challenge process. Player one bids 15 IPCs (three extra German INF in Ukraine, one Japanese ARM in Burma and 1 extra IPC to spend for Japan on its first move). Player two bids 18 IPCs (an extra IC and INF for Japan in Burma). The IAAPA Server will inform the players that Player one would play the Axis with three additional German INF in Ukraine, an additional Japanese ARM in Burma and that Japan will start with 26 IPCs to spend.

Other Bid examples:
* 14 IPCs (2 J INF for Manchuria, 1 G TRN in S. Med. SZ)
* 10 IPCs (1 G ARM in Libya, 1 J INF in Burma, 2 extra IPCs for Japan)

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