IAAPA Complete Unabridged Rules - Part 6 IAAPA Sub Rule

Last Updated July 25, 1999

Questions and comments should be directed to our Minister of Law John (law@axisandallies.net).


  1. Attacking subs may withdraw according to Milton Bradley rules provided withdrawal orders are sent with the attack.
  2. After any one round of air-only versus sub-only combat, the GM ends the battle and all surviving submarines will be allowed to withdraw to any adjacent friendly or unoccupied SZ. The owner of the withdrawing sub must send in the location of the sub retreat with his next turn. The GM is also to withdraw the sub after any round of combat that results in an air only vs sub only situation for the next round.
  3. Normally, the sea zone selected for withdrawal may not interfere with the attacker's non-combat or placement orders.
  4. ** Exception ** If the owner of the defending sub(s) sends in special withdrawal orders prior to the attacker sending in his turn, the withdrawing sub(s) will have precedence over the non-combat orders. Successful defending sub withdrawal orders invalidate attacker non-combat movement into or through the SZ your sub withdrew to. Note -- Defending sub withdrawal orders are not limited to air-only versus sub-only combat.
  5. Units whose non-combat movement is invalidated by successful withdrawal orders may resubmit affected unit's non-combat movement. Purchased units unable to be placed due to successful withdrawal orders are lost. Fighters, unable to land because of an Aircraft Carrier's invalidated non-combat move, may be lost if there are no other routes available.

**Always assume your opponent has sent withdrawal orders!**

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