November 2006 Armchair General's Revue Our esteemed President

From the President's Desk - Scott (Facil) -

Greetings All,

It has been almost three years since the last Armchair Review, and needless to say, a few things have changed in the club. We have a blend of new and old in the government, with four new government members in the Legislature and four experienced members in the Senate. The old guard of Alan, Michael, John, and Lee are still around and without them the club probably would not exist.

Although we still have issues with some of the content management functions, we are able to get into the database and correct errors in the games. If you have an error with one of your games, let me know at pres @ and I will correct it.

The next club asset I would like to promote is our message board. If you want more of a club atmosphere, I encourage you to visit the boards and put your opinions into writing. There is a chat room available also. If you want to get to know the other members in your club, I can't think of a better opportunity for you to do so.

Until next time,

Scott aka Facil
IAAPA President

Senate Reports


Many of the newer members likely do not know me, but the older codgers will remember the days when I spent hours every day ensuring that the web site content was up to date, with open lines of communication to the membership wherever possible. Real life interfered with this several years ago, and I attempted to pass the mantle on to others. When the web site project appeared to be completed, I put IAAPA on the back burner, assuming that IAAPA was in good shape. Unfortunately, almost a year later I had to get involved again due to issues with the deployment of the new web site and elimination of bugs.

About this same time, our server became the target of several types of attacks by hackers, mail-bombers, and other n'er do wells who unfortunately make the internet a far less pleasant virtual place. Through a series of steps, working with the programming team and our web hosting service, we addressed those aspects of the security of the web site which we could and made adjustments of our own (eliminating some long-standing email addresses), which have for the time being kept our server running smoothly.

Once we didn't have to deal with these outside issues, we were able to focus on nailing down the remaining bugs. Most of this work has been accomplished by Alan and a couple of volunteers through the BBS who have helped to confirm bugs and confirm when they are fixed. There still remain a few bugs, but the new site and code seems to be running smoothly (with a couple minor issues which we are still working out).

Unfortunately, this series of events resulted in burning out our former President and several government members who were serving in various offices. In consultations with the remaining government members, we regrouped, organized an election (with the help and focus of PipPopsRising) and have taken on various new roles. The current Executive and Senate is as follows:

Executive: Facil (Scott), micwil (Michael), Spud (Alan)
Senate: Minister of Internet (micwil), Minister of Finance (JohnPin569), Minister of Law (Spud), Minister of Help Desk Operations (Hess), Minister of the Members (PipPopsRising)

The biggest challenge at present is addressing the content of the site and updating all that content, ensuring it is accurate, and that everything is accessible. I will be working with hopefully other members of government on taking on this monumental task, as in reading the site, very little content has been changed since my last updates back in 2004.

I will continue to try and be involved as much as I can, but I would like for the membership to realize that I, like many member of government, haven't actually played a game in several years. This is because the small amount of time I can provide for IAAPA is allocated to government service. It is my hope that eventually I will be able to enjoy the fruits of my labours, and actually play games once again in IAAPA.

I do look forward to working with all the 'new blood' in government, and although my Senatorial robe is dusty, moldy and somewhat frayed, I do think that IAAPA is still one of the best associations I have ever been involved in, and look forward to the future, which in my opinion is brighter than it has been for some time.

IAAPA's Resident Curmudgeon, Misanthrope, Crapehanger and Apostate
Minister of Internet Operations
Prime Minister of the Senate

Scales of JusticeREPORT FROM THE MINISTER OF LAW - Alan (Spud) -

Currently, I am working on 3 areas of club business...

1. As some of you have figured out already, I have taken over as Minister of Law from JohnPin. John has run the office for many years now, and I hope that I can be as wise and just as he was. And while John handed over the office in great shape, there are still a few jobs that need doing. First and foremost is to amend our current club rules, where necessary, to fit into 4th edition (AAR). I will also try and tweak the 2nd edition error correction rules a bit also, to clarify some areas of uncertainty. I hope to get this done sometime over the next few months, time permitting.

2. I am still overseeing the recruiting office, but with the automation provided by the new website I find I have more free time to devote to other areas of the club. However, feel free to email me if you have any questions about recruiting, dues renewals, passwords etc. at

3. For the past year I have also been the website debugger. This has been a much longer process than I had originally envisioned. While, for the most part, the site is running smoothly, there are still a few bugs that need fixed, particularly with the AAR ratings. I am hopeful that these last few issues will be corrected within the next few weeks. (If anyone notices any problems, please let me know) Once the bugs are fixed we will then start updating the site content, correcting old links etc as phase two of the project. We will need some help for that, so feel free to drop me an email if you want to volunteer your services.

Minister of Law, IAAPA Secretary


Greetings Gents,

As many of you already know, I have stepped down as Minister of Law. Spud (Alan) has been appointed to my prior position. Spud and I have worked closely in the past on rules and policy issues and I'll continue to assist him in an advisory roll. Spud knows the rules well, is a very avid gamer, and brings a wealth of knowledge, reason, and common sense to the interpretation of the game. I wish him and all the new government officials well in their new roles.

My new title is Minister of Finance. I'll oversee dues collection, accounting, and budgetary and cash flow issues, just as in the past.

IAAPA remains financially strong, despite some large expense responsibilities. We recently paid a little over $3,200 to our web hosting company, which reflects several years of past hosting that we were just billed for. I had these monies budgeted and as such it posed no hardship, but I have asked Mike to request that we receive timely bills in the future.

As of this writing, we have approximately $6,600 in the coffers. It is anticipated that we will be billed about $4,500 to $5,500 for the new website and 2007's hosting fees, leaving us with approximately $1,000 or so remaining heading into 2007. I'll keep you posted as to the exact amounts as we are billed, as there were some modifications to the original proposal.

Each month I will keep everyone advised on collections, assets, and expected expenses, along with some numerical facts about the club.

So far this year we have collected $1,362. October collections have been meager at $34.00, but in line with collections last year. October 2005 was $45.00.

Since Sept 05 there have been about 142 paid members. The youngest member is 15 and the oldest is 89. The average age is 35.6 years. Here is a histogram of the age frequency breakdown:

Until next time...
Take care

Minister of Finance


The Help Desk job is simple in concept. People click on one of the many Help icons scattered around the web site and ask a question via e-mail. It comes to me. I answer. The questions come from new members, from established members, from former members, from people considering joining, or from curious people stumbling onto the web site from Cyberspace. Sometimes one gets an e-mail from long-time players of the board game or sometimes from those who had never heard of Axis and Allies until running into the site.

The questions cover the gamut-how to join, how to play by e-mail, how to get the board game or the CD, how bids work, rules questions, all sorts of problems regarding payment, logs, the dice roller, new site issues, 2nd edition, 4th edition, you name it. I answer the question if I can, otherwise I refer them to another member who I think can. I also send out a congratulatory message to all those who have passed the final hurdle, encouraging them to join. That often prompts more questions.

I've been doing this for four and a half years now and have answered well over 500 questions. Why do I keep it up? Hmmmh. I don't know. If someone wants to help Help, let me know.


Hess, IAAPA Help Desk


Greetings IAAPA Members!!

As 2006 draws to a close, as Minister of Members I am excited the membership can reflect back on a variety of improvements from the start of the year.

1. First and foremost is the implementation of the new website and roller. An amazing amount of work has been completed to date, with the fine tuning work still in process by members of the government. It has been the stable backbone of this club since its first day. I am sure each of is has a different list of things that they like about the new website since so many areas of improvement were continue to enjoy.

2. The completion of elections. These were long overdue in the club and I am confident that we are back on track for keeping a fully functional government. It is my job to ensure that elections continue on a yearly basis, so for those of you that have an interest in supporting the IAAPA through working in government, the next opportunity is not long off.

3. The Legislature has hit the ground running. It's a small group but the four members of the Legislature have drafted, approved, and had ratified three bills to date (see specifics below). For those who are not aware, and to refresh those that are, the Legislature is the members representation within the IAAPA government. It is in this branch of government that the voice of the membership is heard, debated, and shaped into action. The end result is a legislative "bill" which outlines what is to be done or changed within the IAAPA. The "bill" is then sent to the Executive and the Senate for ratification. Once ratified it has passed through the checks and balances of the government charter and is implemented.

Here are the legislature bills so far.

IAAPA Legislative Bill 2006-#01 - Reintroduction of "IAAPA Herald" club periodical. - This bill set the framework and support for the revival of our beloved club periodical. Hat's off to the chief editor "Pelleplutt" for bringing this to fruition. I am exited as everyone should be about the first edition, in the very near future.
Vote Result - Unanimously Approved

IAAPA Legislative Bill 2006-#02 - IAAPA Judiciary Legislative Seat. - The charter requires the legislature to elect a member of its body to sit on the Judiciary (i.e. The IAAPA Supreme Court). Spinboldak was elected to serve in this position.
Vote Result - Unanimously Approved

IAAPA Legislative Bill #2006-#03 - IAAPA BBS Facelift. - The objective was to approve a set of changes to the BBS which would make it more attractive and functional to the membership. The BBS is an integral pa rt of the club, and I would encourage those who do not frequent it to start doing so you contribute and absorb all the benefits of lively forum pages.
Vote Result - Unanimously Approved

What's next???

There is a variety of items in the pipe that the legislature is working on. Some easy, some that will take time. If any of you have feedback, ideas, or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at or any other member of the legislature.

Minister of Members



To start I am primarily working on getting Low-Luck games included as a variant and tournament option. I have also requested from some senior members a synopsis of their favored strategies, and bid packages to be placed on web-site for all players, especially for new players. Myself and two players have agreed to do so by end of year. Other variants packages for tourneys are also being explored.



My name is Per Stolt (pelleplutt). I am 33 years old and live in the City of Stockholm, Sweden. I am your new Chief Editor for the IAAPA Herald.

When a new Chief Editor takes over the responsibility for a "Magazine", there is often spoken about a new "era" and things like that. But no, this is not the start of any new era. I would rather say "this is the continuation of the job that all the former editors" once did". Yes, there will be some changes and modifications in the production, but the underlying purpose will be the same: "To raise the interest for our club - to both members and potentially new members."

Inside the IAAPA Herald there will be a lot of fun and interesting reading. In each number I will bring up a member for a relaxed interview. There will also be an interesting strategically discussion about a new topic in each number. And not to be forgotten, you will also find ranking comments and tournament brackets and more in the IAAPA Herald.

Pelle (pelleplutt), 33 years old living in the city of Stockholm, Sweden
IAAPA Herald

Thanks for reading...Until next time...

Scott (Facil)
IAAPA President