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IC Stats



Industrial Complexes are a little controversial.
     Should you build ICs; or should you build transports? If you build ICs; where should you put them? How much do ICs help you win?

     Heck, I don't know. So . . .

Lets look at some numbers!

     First I took a random sample of 203 games and compared the odds of winning with an IC compared to the average odds of winning.

  Percent of Games
Won by the Axis
Percent of Games
Won by the Allies
Overall - including games with and without ICs
(our baseline for comparison)
45.3 54.7

  Percent of games won
by side which built ICs
How much odds
of winning were increased
by building an IC
Nation which built IC    
     Japan 47.2 +1.9
     Germany 66.7 +21.4
     UK 54.2 -0.5
     USA 60.0 +5.3

     So what does this table tell us?
     For Japan, UK, and USA the building an IC only slightly effected the odds of winning (probably within the range of error for such a small sample). Germany built ICs in just 6 of the games sampled; so its +21.4% is also an unreliable number.
     So what does this table tell us? Unfortunately; almost nothing.

Lets keep looking, maybe something can still be gleaned.

Location, location, location

Where do players build ICs?
Here is where the ICs were most often built:


     Hmmm . . . no real surprises.

What locations work?

     Lets look to see how individual locations for ICs effect the chances of winning.

How were these numbers generated?
Here is an example:
Japan won 45.3% of the games overall (with and without ICs): this is our baseline for comparison.
Japan built an IC in MAN in 54 games . It won 19 of those games, or 33.9%.
Subtracting the Axis overall wins from its wins with an IC in MAN gives:
33.9 - 45.3  =  - 11.4

So by building an IC in Man, Japan decreases it odds of winning by about 11%.

     Ah-ha! At last some useful info.
     For the Axis building an IC in SIN or IND is good, building one in MAN or KWA is bad.
     For the Allies building an IC in SAF is good, building one in SIN is bad.

What about multiple ICs?

The Axis player often builds multiple ICs for Japan. This figure shows how well some combinations of ICs worked out.

It looks like the MAN-IND combo is a bad idea. The MAN-BUR combo is an even worse idea. But the IND-BUR combo is a very good idea. I'll leave it to the stategy guys to try and explain why this might be true; I just do the numbers.

Final discalamer:

203 games isn't really very many, a larger sample would give more accurate results. You don't have to belive these numbers if you don't want to - but I do.

airship out.

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