How do I Join the Association?? |
Sunday, 09 August 2009 |
In this section you will find a detailed explanation of a few procedures to be completed before you start your first game. |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 November 2016 )
IAAPA's Mentorship Program |
Wednesday, 15 December 2004 |
Provides a way for new players to become a productive member of IAAPA's online community. When the new player leaves the program they should be a fully confident and functional member of IAAPA. Information to join or volunteer for the MENTORSHIP PROGRAM is also available. |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 February 2008 )
Tuesday, 16 November 2004 |
The entrance exam dealing with Axis and Allies Rules to ensure you are completely familiar with the game. You must pass this test to join IAAPA. When you pass this test you will be provided with an online application form on which you must select an "alias" or nickname to use in IAAPA and enter you personal information.
Last Updated ( Saturday, 29 October 2016 )
Tuesday, 16 November 2004 |
On this article you will find information about how to join our Association, who to contact, and what is required to join. |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 November 2016 )