Welcome to the IAAPA New Recruit!
Greetings, Warrior.
Welcome to the Great Halls of the International Axis and Allies Players Association!
As Minister of Recruiting, I am delighted to answer any questions you
might have about our Association. I will also be the one to walk you through
your initiation and place you in your first game should you choose to
join the best Axis and Allies gaming environment in the world.
We are delighted to see you are interested in the IAAPA, and think you
will find this a great place to play. We have a fine selection of opponents
ranging from beginners to the best A&A players in the world, and offer
several forms of email and live online gaming.
If you decide to join, there are just a few procedures to be completed
before you start your first game. Ensure you have a copy of and understand
the 2nd Edition rules and Rules Clarifications sheet.
Then, you must pass an entrance exam (The Final Hurdle) dealing with
the rules of A&A to ensure that you are completely familiar with the
game. When you pass this test, you will be provided an online application
form on which you must enter all the fields (name, address, etc.) and
choose a unique alias (or handle) to use in IAAPA. Once we review your
information, your membership will be conditionally accepted and you will
be emailed a welcome letter which contains information about the registration
fee and the option of having your first game set up.
Note: If you are on AOL (or any other ISP that has mail blocking features),
you may have to turn off your mail blocking features in order to be able
to receive email from us and our server. Specifics of this can be be obtained
from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Once you have passed the Final Hurdle, if you are not comfortable about
becoming an active member (and paying your dues) immediately, we can set
you up with a trial game through our mentorship program. You will be paired
up with another potential recruit for an un-ranked sample game (for a
period of one month). The game will be monitored (and both players assisted)
by a mentor GM (Game Master) who will assist both recruits with how to
play by email, use the dice server, compose turns, etc. For more information
on the Mentor Program, click here.
This will give you time to evaluate IAAPAs resources and get a sense
of our gaming community. At the conclusion of the month, you can either
pay your dues and become an active member, or cancel your application
and be wiped from our database. The sample game can continue if you so
wish or it can be stopped at any time by either player.
All recruits who have passed the Final Hurdle can confirm their active
membership in the Association at any time by paying their dues. We hope
you will become an active, productive member of our Axis and Allies community.
We look forward to having you as a member!
Minister of Recruiting
If you think you are ready,