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IAAPA HAVOC Headlines !!!

Elections Drawing Closer!!

Well guys the elections are coming up once again. This year we have the unique opportunity to elect a new President for the club. The real question is who will it be? Which one and how many of you brave souls out there will stand up and be counted? So many of you are willing to fight so many battles in the land of make believe but are you willing to take on a real task. Who will be the ones to point out the future direction for the club to take? Lots of questions from the poor Squire.

There must be several from the ranks who will be willing to stand-alone and do battle. The Legislature needs several good men to run for office. Lets make this an exciting time in the life of the club. Run for office and let your visions for the club become reality.



Well we are back and due to the worthy work of a few good men "Havoc" is better than ever. I do hope that you the members appreciate their fine work. I say, let them know what you think and start sending in articles for "Havoc" along with your praises. We do pay dues so why not make this the envy of all the other clubs. We can do it just as easy as you can say participation. I also want to wish all of you in the club, the best of times during this Holiday season.

To Ricky and Rewster, sorry to see you guys go and may your replacements do as well. I nominate micwil for the jobs, for it seems that he does not have enough to do. The nights during the winters in Canada are very long and cold so what else would he have to do besides the feeding of his sled dogs.

To our new editor of "Havoc" Phil (Solarflares) who may be reached at - Thanks.

Omar, your help and work is just outstanding. What a great job the two of you did with the spreadsheets. I hope that the members of the club will go out of their way and send in their comments and thanks to the two of you. I will start it off now with a hearty thanks and a well done.

To our new editor. Phil thanks for coming aboard and taking over "The Havoc". I will be waiting for you to make your mark on the club with your Knowledge of WW II and classic remarks on the inner workings of the game that we all love to play. I know that the members will be very excited by your ability to show how all the game movements add up to either defeat or victory.

So thanks for the hard work and on with the show.



     I thank you Squire for such a welcome! I assure you:

     "We"re not worthy, we"re not worthy".

     You could be waiting a while for me to make a mark. : )

     Knowledge of game movements, if I had any my record would be better than 8/8.

   I enjoy the game and that’s why im here, a weekend warrior as it were. I will attempt to make good on this page. Hard work I have done some and I hope you all enjoy this version of IAAPA Havoc.


No Joking Matter…

A word from our Prime Minister.

Know where to draw the line - for me, even above the belt is not ok

   I have received many emails over the years which are a cause of great concern to me. I have no problem with people fighting over territories, killing each other's units, engaging in battles on land and at sea.

   However, I have heard that several members have gotten into arguments over navel battles. In some cases, our Minister of Law has been involved in arbitrating such disputes. This is not something for which he is qualified...having few skills in either gastro-intestinal disorders or, in the case of surface navel battles, dermatology or tailoring (to cope with the damaged lint that is an inevitable consequence of a navel battle).

   I would hope that we would not have to add the following provision to our Association's Standards of Conduct...

   " All members should never engage in any type of battle involving their midsection, and any attacks to the body are not condoned by IAAPA. Any member found engaging in navel attacks will be subject to possible suspension and after repeated incidences, expulsion from the Association."

   I think we all can agree that we should keep the IAAPA dice server free of navel battles, as the lint will collect in the server, and can lead to overheating and fires. In addition, any viruses of a gastro-intestinal nature may infect our server at a level where anti-virus software is unable to prevent the infection.

   I look forward to the cooperation of all IAAPA members in promoting the prevention of and eventual eradication of all navel battles, both in Association sanctioned games and otherwise.

Best regards,

IAAPA Prime Minister

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