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IAAPA's Mentorship Program

What is the Mentorship Program?

The Mentorship Program is the IAAPA's means for providing new members assistance with playing of Axis and Allies online. The greatest obstacle when joining any organization is learning how to properly work within it. The Mentorship program was designed to members new to the online environment a person to turn to for advice and to ask questions. The mentor provides a way for new players to become a productive member of IAAPA's online community. When the new player leaves the program they should be a fully confident and functional member of IAAPA.

Joining the Mentor Program

To join the mentor program all you have to do is e-mail the Mentorship Coordinator. He will process your request and assign you a mentor. Mentors will guide you through the basic procedures of game play, because if you have never played an online play by e-mail game then it can be a bit confusing and overwhelming at first. The mentorship program is here to alleviate some of that frustration by giving new members someone to talk to and look for advice.

In order to join the Mentor Program, you must have passed the Final Hurdle, and be in the process of sending in your dues to fully activate your membership. While you can begin the mentor program while still not an active member, you cannot complete it until you are an active member.

The one month period and 'sample unranked game' are to be used for evaluating IAAPA and confirming your desire to become a fully active member. At the end of the month, if you haven't become a full member any unranked games you are in will be concluded and you will be deleted from our database.

Volunteering for the Mentorship Program

To volunteer to be a mentor you must contact the Mentorship Coordinator. He will take your request and ask you to fill out a simple application. The application is a way for the applicant to see what is required of a mentor, and for the Coordinator to get to know the personality of the applicant. Participation in the Mentorship program is optional, with no rewards from the IAAPA given other then a good pat on the back (and increased involvement in our little community).

So why should a member become a mentor?. First off you help the Association. Second you help bring a new player into our community. Third you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing you did something good for so many other people. Mentorship is also a privilege and abuse of that privilege will result in removal from the program and perhaps a stronger action, depending on the infraction. IAAPA's Standards of Conduct are one of the aspects of the IAAPA community that a mentor must not only live up to but impart to the new member.

Click here to see the Mentor Guide.

This page last updated October 21st, 2000 by Micwil.

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