HAVOC Vol.4 #2 June 1 2001

In The Trenches
Goodie Bag



Whilst cleaning out the ol' castle library; I chanced upon this tasty tidbit of A+A history.. 

Randall was busy setting up the board for the Big Game. It was Saturday Night, and the boys would be arriving soon. He hoped to play the Axis, but wasn't one to leave things to fate very often. He swirled the 5 cardboard disks around the table, carefully examined the backs of each, and for the 3rd consecutive time, turned over the Japanese control marker. He mixed them around on the table one last time, and went back to setting up the board. As he placed the final US unit onto the board, almost as if on cue, his fellow gamers strolled through the open door. Randall looked at each of them, a scowl plastered on his face. “Why is it that you guys never show up until I'm done setting up the board?” he demanded. The other 4 men looked at each other, all hoping that someone else would answer, until Billy finally caved in.

"But, Randall, you're the only one who knows all of the correct units for each territory." he explained.

"That's Bull, and all of you know it!" Randall practically screamed.

Actually, the other guys knew where the pieces all belonged, but they all hated setting up the board. In order to avoid this simple job they had all learned long ago that they could sucker Randall into doing it by himself. All they had to do was volunteer their services, and then totally screw up everything. They would say things like "I put a bomber in Karelia, right?" and Randall would have a fit. "NO! Russia doesn't get any bombers at the start of the game! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Eventually Randall would tire of their apparent stupidity and chase them away from the table until he'd finished setting up the board by himself. That didn't stop him from complaining about his responsibility before the beginning of every game, however.

The 5 men grabbed seats around the board and Randall began mixing the 5 disks around on the gameboard. He looked, and easily found the backside of the Japanese marker, and as he shifted the disks around the board he made sure to position it the furthest distance from himself, but not the furthest distance from any of the other players. As soon as he finished positioning the disks 4 hands shot across the board to grab the disk furthest from their position.. As each of the other players took secretive peeks at the markers they'd grabbed, Randall reached lazily across the board and flipped over the Japanese marker.

Billy had drawn the German marker, which Randall couldn't have planned any better. With Billy as a partner the game was pretty much Randall and Randall versus the other 3 players. Billy trusted Randall and believed in his strategies, and he'd never make even the slightest decision about anything for the duration of the entire game. It was a bit annoying to play half of the game through a marionette, but it was better than watching Cheswick decimate the German forces in utterly assinine attacks....like 7 arm attacking 15 inf and 6 ftrs in Karelia. "But I wanted to weaken him a little. He was too strong in Care-a-LEE-a", he'd said then, and Randall had almost throttled him.

The other thing was, nobody would play Randall if he didn't have a partner. They were afraid of him; thought that he was too strong a player for them. The fact that having Billy as a partner was like playing both Axis powers by himself (except it was actually better because he paid closer attention to ensure Billy did everything correctly) made no difference to the other 3. As far as they were concerned, Billy was only getting advice, and then making his own decisions.

Taber, the most aggressive of the other 4 players, had drawn the Russian marker, and he immediately purchased 3 inf and 3 arm, and then decided on a ‘Triple Whammy’ attack ~ Finland, Ukraine, and Manchuria. Randall suddenly flashed back to the days when he'd played the game online and by email. He remembered the handicap he'd received with the Axis, "The bid...that's what it was called," he thought to himself.

Martini suddenly stood up and said, "Damn! When does the Americans get to take a turn?" Martini wasn't a real genius, and his grammar was atrocious. Randall told him to sit down and be patient; that it was still only Russia 1.

Cheswick blinked his eyes, looked at Randall, and in his squeeky high voice said, "But I thought Russia was AFTER the Americans?"

Randall knew immediately that he was in trouble. Cheswick wasn't the brightest lightbulb in the marquee either, and you might as well try to teach a dog to speak Chinese as explain anything to Cheswick.

Billy leaned across the table and with a very serious look in his eye told Randall, "He's right. I remember from when we played before. The Americans ARE before the Russians."

"Son of a...! Are you guys NUTS? Or just plain STUPID?"

Randall slapped the board away from the table. Taber hadn't rolled a single die (they were in his underwear) and the game was over. Randall was fuming, his face was turning redder with each passing second, and it looked as if his head would explode from the pressure. Before all hell could break loose, Harding walked into the tub room and said, "Well, to be entirely fair, Mac, this peculiar group of gentlemen were once considered salvagable ~ and then you entered our lives. You came, and you brought your little plastic tanks, and your little plastic planes, and..."

"Gimme a break, Harding! These guys were wackos before I ever came near the joint."

"No, sir. It was your 'harmless' little boardgame that sent them over the edge, McMurphy."

A voice interrupted the discussion as the PA system cranked out some crappy classical music and the soothing, familiar voice informed them, "Medication time. Medication time."

Martini grabbed a handful of American infantry and popped them into his mouth, then headed to the nurse's station for dessert.

Errant Knight

(With apologies to Ken Kesey)



Vae Victus! (woe to the vanquished!) -Plautus, Pseudolus